- 型号:
- 产地:
- 意大利
The automatic ISOCHECK PROCESSOR, through an “L” or
“S” Pitot tube with thermo-couple, allows speed and flow
measurements in compliance with UNI 10169 standard.
It is equipped with independent sensors for pressure
measurement (differential, static and barometrical) in
order to meet the precision required as per point 5 in UNI
10169 standards. If connected to one of the LIFETEK series
sampler XP-R version it allows automatic isokinetic sampling
in emission in accordance with EN 13284-1 standards.
范围: 0 ÷ 100 mmH 2 O - 精度: ± 1%.
范围: -1000 ÷ +1000 mmH 2 O - Precision: ± 1%.
大气压(SRB version only)
范围: 600 ÷ 1100 mbar - Precision: ± 1 mbar.
温度 (K Thermo-couple reading)
范围: 0 ÷ 1000 °C - 精度: ± 1°C.
温度(J Thermo-couple reading)
范围: 0 ÷ 600 °C - 精度: ± 1°C.
Backlit LCD display and polycarbonate keyboard.
Calculation in compliance with 10169 and EN 13284-1
Calculation of the measure and pick-up points, of the
density, of the condensate, of the speed, of the actual flow,
of the standard flow of the isokinetic flow with relevant
Calculation of the diameter of the nozzle to use for the
PM 10 (EPA METHOD 201A).
Dedicated software for the data elaboration and integrated
Software with data logger.
Memory for sampling data storage.
USB /RS232端口到 PC 数据下载.
Interface with LIFETEK XP-R series samplers for automatic
isokinetic sampling.
10 小时.
Operation also through network power-pack provided.
尺寸重量: 200 x 100 x 40 mm – 550 g.
Fully equipped (USB pendrive and shoulder belt suitcase).