- 型号:
- PRI-8800
- 产地:
- 北京
全自动控温系统(-20~80 ℃),控温精度优于0.1 ℃
4) 随着设备的广泛使用与改进,尤其是与13C分析设备相结合,相信会在土壤有机质周转领域具有更多的应用前景。
指标 | 标准配置参数 | 接收定制 | 备注 |
系统响应时间 | <4s | ||
气压传感器精度 | 0.05% | ||
温度传感器精度 | ±0.15℃ | ||
气体流速 | 1L/min | 0-4L/min 可调 | |
培养瓶温度范围 | -20~80℃ | ● | 可根据客户需求更改温度范围 |
温度控制精度 | ±0.1℃ | ||
加热功率 | 1500W | ● | 可更换不同功率的加热器 |
制冷功率 | 1250W | ● | 可更换不同功率的压缩机 |
变温速率(升温) | 60s/℃ | ● | 跟加热器功率有关 |
变温速率(降温) | 90s/℃ | ● | 跟压缩机功率有关 |
循环泵流量 | 20L/min | ● | 可调 |
重复定位精度 | 0.02mm | ||
负载 | <2kW | ||
工作电压 | 24V,12.5A | ||
控制箱功率 | 220VAC<350W | ||
有效行程 | 400 * 400 * 150mm | ● | 可根据客户需要更改有效行程 |
控制方式 | PC | 控制箱内集成微型PC主机 | |
培养瓶容积 | 150mL | ● | 可更换各种容积培养瓶 |
气体管路 | 1/8不锈钢管或特氟龙管 | ● | 可根据客户需求更改 |
CO2吸收剂 | NC Technologies S.r.l. | ● | 可根据客户需求更换吸收剂 |
采样装置尺寸 | 800 * 800 * 700mm | ||
控制箱尺寸 | 500 * 420 * 200mm |
AMBA i3211 CO2同位素分析仪
δ13C精度(1σ) | <0.5‰ (1σ) @ 0.25 s <0.3‰ (1σ) @ 1 s <0.08‰ (1σ) @ 60 s <0.05‰ (1σ) @ 300 s |
CO2测量范围 | 0-10000 ppm |
测量频率 | 4 Hz;1 Hz(测量频率与周转速率匹配) |
取样流速 | 15 mL/min;5 mL/min; |
样品池体积 | 0.1 mL |
吸收光路 | 2 m |
取样温度 | -10 ~45 °C |
微型真空泵 | 100 sccm@50 Torr |
取样压力 | 50~ 133 kPa |
取样湿度 | <99% R.H,无冷凝@40°C,无需干燥 |
校准 | 全自动在线校准 |
输出 | RS-232,网卡,USB |
出/入口接头 | 1/4英寸接头套管 |
尺寸/重量 | 19”(宽)× 31.5”(深)× 18.75”(高)/ 25 kg |
耗电 | 100-240 VAC,启动时<350 W(全部);稳定后, 200 W |
8800-1 CO2 H2O分析仪
性能指标 | |
CO2准确度 | ± 2% |
CO2测量范围 | 0-5000 ppm |
H2O典型精度 | ± 2% |
H2O测量范围 | 0~100% RH |
取样温度 | -10 ~45 °C |
取样压力 | 80~ 115 kPa |
取样湿度 | <99% R.H,无冷凝@40°C,无需干燥 |
出/入口接头 | 1/4英寸接头套管 |
PRI-8800全自动变温培养土壤温室气体(同位素)在线测量系统主要包含,含AMBA i3211 CO2同位素分析仪或8800-1 CO2H2O分析仪(选择8800-1时,分析仪内置到主控箱内);全自动变温培养系统,含水浴升降温系统、主控制箱、全自动进样器、16位样品盘等。
1.Cao YQ, Zhang Z, Xu L, Chen Z, He NP. 2019. Temperature affects new carbon input utilization by soil microbes: Evidence based on a rapid δ13C measurement technology. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 10: 202-212.
2.Liu Y, He NP, Xu L, Tian J, Gao Y, Zheng S, Wang Q, Wen XF, Xu XL, Yakov K. 2019. A new incubation and measurement approach to estimate the temperature response of soil organic matter decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 138, 107596.
3.Liu Y, He NP, Wen XF, Xu L, Sun XM, Yu GR, Liang LY, Schipper LA. 2018. The optimum temperature of soil microbial respiration: Patterns and controls. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 121: 35-42.
4.Liu Y, Wen XF, Zhang YH, Tian J, Gao Y, Ostle NJ, Niu SL, Chen SP, Sun XM, He NP. Widespread asymmetric response of soil heterotrophic respiration to warming and cooling. Science of Total Environment, 635: 423-431.
5.Tang ZX, Sun XL, Luo ZK, He NP, Sun JX. 2018. Effect of substrate and microbial community on soil carbon mineralization: Evidence from three zonal forests. Ecology and Evolution, 8: 879-891.
6.Tian J, He NP#, Hale L, Niu SL, Yu GR, Liu Y, Blagodatskava E, Kuzyakov Y, Zhou JZ. 2018. Soil organic matter availability and climate drive latitudinal patterns in bacterial diversity from tropical to cold-temperate forests. Functional Ecology, 32: 61-70.
7.Tian J, He NP, Kong WD, Deng Y, Feng K, Green SM, Wang XB, Zhou JZ, Kuzyakov Y, Yu GR. 2018. Deforestation decreases spatial turnover and alters the network interactions in soil bacterial communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 123: 80-86.
8.Wang Q, He NP, Xu L, Zhou XH. 2018. important interaction of chemicals, microbial biomass and dissolved substrates in the diel hysteresis loop of soil heterotrophic respiration. Plant and Soil, 428: 279-290.
9.Wang Q, He NP, Xu L, Zhou XH. 2018. Microbial properties regulate spatial variation in the differences in heterotrophic respiration and its temperature sensitivity between primary and secondary forests from tropical to cold-temperate zones. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 262, 81-88.
10.Li DD, Fan JJ, Zhang XY, Xu XL, He NP, Wen XF, Sun XM, Blagodatskaya E, Kuzyakov Y. 2017. Hydrolase kinetics to detect temperature-related changes in the rates of soil organic matter decomposition. European Journal of Soil Biology, 81: 108-115.
11.Li J, He NP, Xu L, Chai H, Liu Y, Wang DL, Wang L, Wei XH, Xue JY, Wen XF, Sun XM. 2017. Asymmetric responses of soil heterotrophic respiration to rising and decreasing temperatures. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 106: 18-27.
12.He NP, Yu GR. 2016. Stoichiometrical regulation of soil organic matter decomposition and its temperature sensitivity. Ecology and Evolution, 6: 620-627.
13.Shi Y, Sheng LX, Wang ZQ, Zhang XY, He NP, Yu Q. 2016. Responses of soil enzyme activity and microbial community compositions to nitrogen addition in bulk and microaggregate soil in the temperate steppe of Inner Mongolia. Eurasian Soil Science, 49(10): 1149-1160.
14.Wang Q, He NP, Liu Y, Li ML, Xu L. 2016. Strong pulse effects of precipitation event on soil microbial respiration in temperate forests. Geoderma, 275: 67-73.
15.Wang Q, He NP, Yu GR, Gao Y, Wen XF, Wang RF, Koerner SE, Yu Q. 2016. Soil microbial respiration rate and temperature sensitivity along a north-south forest transect in eastern China: Patterns and influencing factors. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121: 399-410.
16.Zhang XY, Tang YQ, Shi Y, He NP, Wen XF, Yu Q, Zheng CY, Sun XM, Qiu WW. 2016. Responses of soil hydrolytic enzymes, and ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea to nitrogen applications in a temperate grassland in Inner Mongolia. Scientific Reports, 6: 32791.
17.Li J, He NP, Wei XH, Chai H, Wen XF, Xue JY, Zuo Y. 2015. Changes in temperature sensitivity and activation energy of soil organic matter decomposition in different Qinghai-Tibet Plateau grasslands. PlosOne, 10: e0132795. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0132795.
18.Wang Q, Wang D, Wen XF, Yu GR, He NP, Wang RF. 2015. Differences in SOM decomposition and temperature sensitivity among soil aggregate size classes in temperate grasslands. PlosOne, 10(2): e0117033. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0117033.
19.Xue JY, Zhang HX, He NP, Gan YM, Wen XF, Li J, Zhang XL, Fu PB. 2015. Responses of SOM decomposition to changing temperature in Zoige alpine wetland, China. Wetland Ecology & Management, 23: 977-987.
20.He NP, Wang RM, Dai JZ, Gao Y, Wen XF, Yu GR. 2013. Changes in the temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition with grassland succession: Implications for soil C sequestration. Ecology and Evolution, 3: 5045-5054.