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  • 暂无新闻
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  • 联系人:陈先生
  • 电话:4008035117转6666,16619786869
公司名称 杭州秋籁科技有限公司
资料认证 企业资料未认证
保 证 金 ¥0.00
公司类型 企业单位 ()
所 在 地 浙江/杭州市
注册资本 未填写
注册年份 2000
经营范围 实验室常用设备/清洗/消毒设备/超声波清洗器
主营行业 实验室常用设备     实验室常用设备 / 清洗/消毒设备     实验室常用设备 / 清洗/消毒设备 / 超声波清洗器    

KEWLAB is dedicated to advancing the cause of science, and we do that by supplying optics, photonics and scientific laboratory instruments to both the scientific and the industrial community.  It's surprisingly uncommon to find your perfect job nowadays, and despite the odds, that is precisely what we have done! Everyone here is an energetic, brilliant science supporter.

In the beginning humans developed tools, language, agriculture, and leisure; we then had the time to figure out how most of the gross mechanisms on our planet worked.  We traced our origins, what had preceded us, and found clues and hints about what the future held in store. Humanity embraced knowledge, shedding ancient superstitions, in favour of experiments, study, and replicable results.

Our amazing KEWLAB crew has decades of accumulated experience in this field; we're ready to meet your toughest technical challenges worldwide. You really need to experience our premium optics and scientific products because the simple truth is that if you cannot measure and/or observe something, it is extremely difficult to learn very much from it.

Describe your optical, illumination, photonic or any scientific needs and let us craft your solution. You show us the path to the future, so let our dedicated staff provide you with the tools that you need to light the way.