颇尔公司(Pall Corporation)于1946年由颇尔博士(Dr. David B Pall)创建于美国纽约,1957年颇尔公司在纽约股票市场上市(代码:PLL),是目前世界上最大的专注于过滤、分离、纯化技术及产品研制的跨国公司。
Pall Corporation is the technology leader in the $48 billion global filtration, separation and purification industry. Pall has become a $2.4 billion company by solving complex fluid management challenges for diverse customers around the world. We have been called the “original clean technology company” since many of our products deliver sustainable social benefits. Revenues are almost evenly split between the Industrial and Life Sciences markets. Sales are also diverse geographically, with Asia the fastest growing region.