SVT Associates, Inc. is dedicated to all aspects of semiconductormaterial research and manufacturing. Since 1992, we have served the needsof the MBE and UHV deposition communities, as well as the telecommunications and opto-electronic industries, by providing specialized equipment and services relating to compound semiconductor device technologies. In addition to our sales of MBE deposition systems and components, epitaxial services and device development are available.SVT Associates, Inc. (SVTA) 由 Dr.Chow 创立, 从1993年9月7日起,SVTA从事超高真空系统及其环境下的电子材料、器件的研发生产。公司的产品有:系列的分子束外延系统MBE,激光分子束外延系统/脉冲激光沉积系统(L-MBE/PLD),原子层沉积系统(ALD);以及系列的用于晶体薄膜生长原位检测、监控仪器及EPI Wafer。年生产几十台仪器,为客户提供一流的产品、技术和服务。公司总部有相关研发中心,超过十几位博士致力于LMBE 相关设备研发,设计,及制造.同时提供产品的售后服务及应用支持. 在中国的有多位专业技术人员, 提供完整的售后服务,保证优质服务质量及高效... [