苏州汉星分析传感器有限公司我公司是研究、开发pH、溶解氧、电导、离子选择电极等分析传感器的专业制造厂家。在30多年的生产实践中,吸取国外的先进技术,引进新材料,新工艺,生产出了一系列的高品质、高精度的产品,达到了国外同类产品的水平。我们的产品已广泛应用于生物发酵、医药、 化工、环保、电厂、公路、印染、冶金、养殖业等各个领域。并替代了一部分国外产品。满足了国内市场(包括台湾地区)的需求,而且已批量出口。根据市场需求,我们可以为有特殊要求的客户,研发定制各种产品。 Suzhou Han-Star Analytical Sensor Co., LtdSuzhou Han-star electrochemistry company is a professional manufacturer focused on research & development of all kinds of analytical sensors. Based on long term practical experiences, we can offer high quality & precision products to the customers. The quality of our products is at the same level of imported products. It can be used easily to replace imported products.Based on high quality products, years of application experiences and excellent after-sale service, our products h... [